Clara (Cologira Bonfanti) Cannucciari lived to the ripe old age of 98 years-old. She was born on August 18, 1915 In Chicago, Illinois. She passed away peacefully on November 29, 2013. Her Daughter and Grandchildren comforted her in her last days, which was the fulfillment of her last wish. She is dearly missed by her family and the many fans she has acquired from her online cooking show, Great Depression Cooking.
Clara hoped that none of us ever have to experience what she did during the Great Depression.
Over the years Clara imparted her Great Depression experiences to her grandchildren as she cooked meals from the era. The meals were simple and delicious, the stories were a mixture of misfortune and comedy, and in the end Clara kept us both entertained and stuffed to the gills.
The magic of Clara is that she can turn lemons into lemonade and potatoes into just about everything else. She had a childhood that most of us can’t imagine, but she was able to make the best of it and turn those trials into lessons we can all learn from.
Clara cared dearly for all the people who enjoyed her show and read all of the many emails and letters you sent her. Even when she was at the end of her life, your messages put a big smile on her face.
Thank You!

Clara in 1927 with her Mother, Josephine.

Clara circa 1951 with the two loves of her life, Carl and Dino.